Best Local Cuisines in USA | Universal Cuisines| Powered by Emblem

Universal Cuisines

An American based on-demand ethnic foods delivery service.

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Universal Cuisines is an American-based on-demand ethnic food delivery service that connects diners, foodies, and immigrants with local authentic ethnic cuisines, restaurants, and ghost kitchens. Empowered by Emblem Technologies, Universal Cuisines is a company that focuses on trying to provide its customers with the "home away from home" experience.

The Challenge

Food delivery applications have become a necessity at this point, since external factors limit people from going out. Whether it's laziness, rough weather, or the fear of COVID-19, people like to get food delivered to their doorstep rather than going out to get it themselves. The challenge was to develop a food delivery app powered by Emblem Technologies own platform(BBM), that would deliver local ethnic cuisines to customers. The main objective from the app’s perspective was to create a UI that would categorize all restaurants under their respective type of cuisine, without the need of additional tools such as filters.

The Plan

  • Develop an app for customers to find cuisines from their hometown
  • Use BBM to provide a white label solution
  • Develop a customer-facing website and app
  • Create a UI that groups restaurants under ethnic cuisines

The Result

  • The interface makes it easier for users to pick and choose food, as restaurants are categorized under specific cuisines.
  • Universal Cuisines is now officially powered by BBM.
  • Multiple restaurants that offer authentic cruises can be found on one platform.
  • Universal Cuisines is expanding to multiple states in the US.

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